
Odd and ends that might be useful to know.

Past Traffic Previsions for France

The French government publish current and future traffic previsions on Bison futé.

English Speaking Professionals in Lyon

Many professions in France can not or do not advertise. Personal recommendations and word of mouth advertising are essential for these businesses.

SNCF Customer Service Number

SNCF, the French train operator, offers an English speaking customer service number:

Free.fr Internet in France

Free.fr is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) in France. In 2012, we paid 37 € a month for:

How to Buy a Carte Técély in Lyon

Lyon’s public transport agency, TCL, has a communter card called “la carte Técély”.

Poste Restante

Poste Restante is an incredibly useful way of getting post and mail sent to you when you are travelling or setting up in new country.